Pahja Mewrilah

This young denizen of the Black Shroud has a lot to learn about life, love, and adventure. Can she let her guard down long enough to do so...?

About Pahja

Name: Pahja Mewrilah
Age: 20 Summers
DOB: 15th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Height: 4'9"
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te
Gender: Cis woman (she/her)
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Adventurer

AppearancePahja is a young Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te with medium gray skin and bicolored pink and blue eyes. She has shoulder-length reddish-violet hair with bright blue highlights.She is as short as an adult miqo'te woman can be and a bit on the thin side - the result of being born a 'runt'.Due to difficulties with making friends, her claws are often extended. Between that and certain other 'animal-like' features, she often seems to emulate certain bestial traits.She has a strangely high pitched voice, and rolls her R's when she speaks.

Pawprints, Claw Scratches, the Full Moon
Cedarwood, Catmint

Personality+ Passionate, Protective, Loyal, Curious
- 'Tsundere' traits, Easily Angered, Horrible Communicator
Having grown up in an extremely traditional Keeper tribe, Pahja has a very small view of the world. As such, there are certain mindsets which she finds extremely difficult to overcome, such as looking down on Men.Even so, Pahja approaches the world with curiosity...when she isn't being watched, that is. She finds it extremely difficult to admit the ways that she finds the outside world to be interesting, but she is fascinated by the variations in cultures.It is difficult to gain her trust, but once you do, she is fiercely loyal and protective.When she feels threatened, however, she reacts in very animalistic ways.Pahja can often be found...

  • In Lavender Beds, home of the Mysterium

  • Deep in the Black Shroud

  • In the highest point of a given location

Plot Hooks

Shroud Huntress
If you have spent a significant time in the Black Shroud, there is a possibility that you have seen this young miqo'te hunting and fishing...with her bare hands. It's quite a sight, and it would've made quite the impression.
Rejected by the Moon
There is a tradition amongst the Keeper tribes where young girls receive blessings from Menphina. Somehow, the runt of the Mewrilah family failed to receive this blessing...
Legatum Mysteria
After members of this organization caused damage to the Shroud, Pahja spied on Legatum Mysteria for quite some time before finally confronting them. In time, however, she has become a member, receiving training from Daerin Roda.

Reluctant Fangirl
Pahja has been seen in the audience of various bards performing in Gridania - particularly R'en Aihara. However, she always disappears from audiences before she is noticed, as if she's ashamed to enjoy such things...
A Robot's 'Big Sister'
Anyone inquiring into the Mysterium's delightful robot Ninita Theta, might notice that the little robot sometimes rolls the R's in her speech, much like the catte who taught her how to speak more like people. Indeed, it seems that Pahja sees the little robot as a little sister.
More recently, Pahja has been seen sporting a red ribbon in her hair. This has been a point of connection with two new friends, Q'tiba and Taronius - and she is wearing the ribbon far more often since then.

OOC Notes

I will roleplay with veteran and novice RPers alike, assuming I'm not AFK or busy with something else! However, I have a few notes to consider:

  • I am not my characters, and they are not self-inserts for me. While I am happy to make friends with people OOC and IC alike, it's very important to me that fellow RPers recognize that I have a hard line between my characters and my IRL life, especially when it comes to relationships.

  • I am open to all kinds of storytelling, including mature or dark themes. However, please clear anything especially dramatic with me OOC beforehand.

  • I stay relatively lore compliant but I do believe in the "Rule of Cool" and bending the lore (not breaking it) to make a more exciting, engaging story. I like to take vague obscure lore bits and expound on them to make something unique.

  • Because my characters and stories tend to lean toward the mature side, please only engage me in RP if you're over the age of 18 IRL.

  • Do not interact if you're only interested in ERP. I'm not against ERP, but it is not a focus for me. I do not enjoy it unless it is the culmination of a story beat, with players that I trust.

  • I really enjoy exploring peoples' character histories and building their stories! If any of my characters' hooks sound like something you could build off of, I'd love to have an OOC conversation about that! Perhaps we could even plan a story arc together. ♥